SparkleShare icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SparkleShare copied to clipboard

Share and collaborate by syncing with any Git repository instantly. Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Results 109 SparkleShare issues
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Could you please provide newer version (the newest version should be 3.28) of SparkleShare for Windows on your offical website.

![Screenshot from 2019-11-29 12-48-00]( You can find session logs by date and version information in: ~/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/logs/ on Linux and macOS C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare\logs\ on Windows To help us help you, please include...

Feature request: Support webhooks for notifications. The major git hosting services all have webhooks to trigger actions when things happen with a repo. It would be nice to be able...

Running version 3.28.0 connected to a private repository on Github. As there is no headless version, I am running SparkleShare on my desktop machine (Ubuntu 19.04) and mirroring it on...

The previous notification service worked well for a good time but started to get unstable. Maintaining the server and client code, as well as the sysadmin work is a hassle....

SparkleShare is a really nice software for sync with git. For my usage, I hope to use it to distribute python code from my private git repository (Gitea) to Windows...

How would you, as SparkleShare supporters compare yourself to SyncThing?

### What I expected to happen: Option to lock/unlock files with GIT LFS lock / unlock Locking files helps especially for documents and also informs user about the document being...


I just installed SparkleShare from the site. The install file was for version 1.4.0. After I installed it, a message popped up saying that version 3.28 was available. However, there...

### What happened: - Have SparkleShare closed (to avoid spamming github with useless commits) - Editing files in local - Open SparkleShare to push the changes to the remote Git...