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Results 109 SparkleShare issues
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I would like to use an avatar as per the [wiki page]( I do not wish to use gravatar. What steps are needed to manually add an avatar to ~/.config/sparkleshare/avatars/...

SSIA, I'm noticing frequently between my machines that they haven't quite sync'd and eventually they do.

With the newer version of SparkleShare, it no longer reads the user's .ssh/config file. I understand why this may have been done, but not allowing any ssh config file means...

OS: Arch Linux DE: i3 Install: Flatpak org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare 3.28.0 ### What happened: I honestly may have just missed this, but while kicking the tires on SparkleShare for the first time,...

As I mentioned in #1949, I pre-created a "system" account. It's common to set their shell to /usr/bin/nologin, or /usr/bin/false. However, Sparkleshare's ssh comms immediately close their connection from clients...

OS: Fedora 32 Raspberry Pi ### What happened: I'm writing a role for Ansible to automate the setup and installation of Sparkleshare, with the host on a Fedora 32 Raspberry...

I couldn't figure out if this is possible. Is it? I'd like to have the SparkleShare folder elsewhere.

It seems there is no working notification about pushed changes from other clients, so sometimes you have wait quite long until your client gets synched with latest changes from server....

Considering a migration to openSUSE Tumbleweed. Running the live KDE, I installed SperkleShare flatpak via Discover. Starting from terminal with the following command: `/usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=sparkleshare org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare --status-icon=gtk`...

The [wiki page for invites]( describes how to get a host key's fingerprint for RSA keys. I have a host that uses ed25519 host keys. Here is an example: ```...