SparkleShare icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SparkleShare copied to clipboard

Share and collaborate by syncing with any Git repository instantly. Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Results 109 SparkleShare issues
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### What happened: Lots of exceptions. ### What I expected to happen: Should run properly? ### This happens when: 1. Clone the master branch in your macOS. 2. Open it...

Thanks a lot for your work @hbons! Do you plan to release the compiled version of SparkleShare 3.38 for macOS?

Ideas: - [ ] Highlight new contributions - [ ] Information for distros / packagers (dependency changes etc.) - [ ] Screenshots - [ ] Add list of closed issues...


Hi, Is there a docker version available for this? Thanks,

Too old runtimes which need to migrate. like org.gnome.platform and freedesktop

``` 16:45:53 Fetcher | /Users/steven/.config/org.sparkleshare.SparkleShare/tmp/projects | Fetching folder: ssh://storage@team/4440.friends/projects 16:45:53 Auth | Fetching host key for team 16:45:53 Cmd | ssh-keyscan -t rsa -p 22 team 16:45:53 Auth | Could...

- use a single size SVG - use a commonly used nightly variant

### What happened: Unable to use http/https url in sparkle share, https protocol doesnt seem to be supported. ### What I expected to happen: http/https protocol should work as expected

I am currently an multiplatform user of SparkleShare. Thank a lot for the author of SparkleShare. It is a great idea to use password manager like keepass with SparkleShare, as...

### What happened: Try to launch SparkleShare via command line or via the "Start" menu of Ubuntu 18.04: I don't find a way. ### What I expected to happen: Searching...