SparkleShare icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SparkleShare copied to clipboard

Share and collaborate by syncing with any Git repository instantly. Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Results 109 SparkleShare issues
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Hello, I don't have any logs because this is an issue I'm having when attempting to set up SparkleShare. I'm attempting to set up SparkleShare on a raspberry pi 3...

I'm trying to sync a remote project on the mac SparkleShare app. The project is empty, I've just created it on a fresh raspberry pi. No problem or error during...

For example, after creating folder named `Собрания` (`Meetings` in Russian) in SparkleShare project folder, Git log message looks as (64 bit Windows 7, russian locale, non-unicode system encoding is `windows-1251`):...


On VS2019 the packages won't build and, even with the mistakes fixed, without some changes it is not possible to connect through SSH to custom repos. (at least on my...

Is there a way to add a project through the terminal instead of the commands in the icon? My ubuntu 18.04 desktop stopped showing the sparkleshare icon (except when updating)....

It would be nice to have GitHub CI/CD pipeline to automatically build SparkleShare for Windows using MinGW, MSYS/MSYS2, MXE or whatever. This way each new release will automatically have also...

``` Oops! SparkleShare has crashed... :( If you want to help fix this crash, please report it at and include the lines below. Remove any sensitive information like file...

### What happened: Installed SparkleShare. Ran under Fluxbox from command-line (`sparkleshare start`). Instead, the following was printed to the console, and the application stopped: ``` 18:21:30 Environment | SparkleShare 3.28.0...

I have the Flatpak version working in Ubuntu 18.04, and my own repository created using Dazzle. All is working fine, and files can be sync'ed, after creation, modification and deletion....

Hi, I'm on OSX Mojave, with SS 3.28.0. It's worked fine in the past, but recently I've noticed that changes I make locally are never pushed (to github, in my...