SparkleShare icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SparkleShare copied to clipboard

Share and collaborate by syncing with any Git repository instantly. Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Results 109 SparkleShare issues
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git fetch --unshallow (since to download all remaining revisions.


I have Russian locale set up in Windows. Despite of the fact that po/ru.po is present in SparkleShare's installation directory, the language is still English. Do you have an idea...


Granted, I only have one repository in SparkleShare right now, but the Flatpak version of SparkleShare does not show history for me. It just looks like this: ![sparkleshare-history]( I had...


After selecting the about dialog, I see the following: ![sparkleshare-about]( 1. It has the wrong dimensions. 2. The font looks a bit large. 3. It's checking for updates (but fails)...


I'm running freshly-installed SparkleShare on: - Flatpak - Wayland - GNOME - Fedora 28 And copying the key ("computer id") to the clipboard doesn't work. When I paste, it inserts...

Right now, I either need to navigate using Files (Nautilus) to the correct folder, or view the history (presumably — it isn't working for me right now, so I can't...

When adding a project to SparkleShare, it's often nice to copy a full URI from somewhere and paste it into the box. Right now, you have to edit the URI...

This is on an upgraded Ubuntu 17.10 (Gnome), where I just installed Sparkleshare like so: ``` $ sudo apt install flatpak $ flatpak remote-add flathub $ flatpak install flathub...

Ubuntu Benefit of this is that the SSH key can be safely stored/retrieved to/from the sytem secrets store instead of passing via the shell and saving to a file.
