Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz

Results 140 comments of Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz

:rocket: PR was released in [`v0.15.3`](https://github.com/system-ui/theme-ui/releases/tag/v0.15.3) :rocket:

:rocket: PR was released in [`v0.15.3`](https://github.com/system-ui/theme-ui/releases/tag/v0.15.3) :rocket:

I'd like to take this one. I did some quick research. I've added a repro story (picture 1) to get the most hideous formatting. You can notice in the picture...

yup, this is the current formatter. ```ts import memoize from 'memoizerific'; import dedent from 'ts-dedent'; export const formatter = memoize(2)((code: string) => dedent(code)); ``` I like the code a lot,...

Hi @shilman, @keyboard-clacker. Yeah, the pandemic happened and life got a bit more complicated for me. I think I stopped on the problem with dynamic imports and code splitting. The...

Hi! I just wanted to leave this as a note here. Since there is a Swagger spec for all (AFAIK) Amadeus APIs, one can codegen TypeScript types. https://github.com/manifoldco/swagger-to-ts

Hey @LeonardoGentile :wave: Thanks for the issue! Yeah, that makes sense. `@theme-ui/typography` doesn't get as much attention as other packages. I just went through the Git history from the point...

@LeonardoGentile, well... if you're courageous, we'll gladly welcome another contributor :) The claim it'll work out of the box is probably as old as the integration, and frankly speaking, this...

> To me it seems a bit extra, it doesn't feel inlined with the purpose of this project. But It could be useful for some use cases. 100% agreed that...

Thanks for the issue @t2ca. The error occurs when your theme depends on the `gatsby-plugin-theme-ui`, and your site depends on the theme, but it dissapears when your site depends on...