Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz

Results 140 comments of Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz

I had the same problem. I ended up entirely omitting dependabot's commits with `omit-commits` plugin. ```ts const omitCommitsOptions: IOmitCommitsPluginOptions = { subject: [ 'Merge branch', 'chore:', 'chore(', 'ci(', 'ci:', 'test:',...

You don't realize how much time you saved me with auto. I made a first automatic stable release today (after using patch-package to work around this issue), and the only...

> Sorry in advance for the dumb question but is it possible to download the source code from VSCode? Well, apart from copying it manually, there's no way to do...

> > Ideally it should also be available as a Webpack Loader option. > > The problem is the command-line execution, but maybe we can get it from webpack.config.ts. Would...

I encountered two problems while using graphql-let in a [Nx](https://nx.dev/react) monorepo. 1. I have two webpack configs (own for dev and Nx's for prod) with different `context`, so I have...

Do you want to preserve a strict naming scheme like `expect().toBeXXX()` based on `expect.XXX()` or should we possibly try to make them more concise (e.g. `expect(actual).toMatch(pattern))` or `expect(actual).toInclude(substring)` )?

> add searchbox https://docusaurus.io/docs/search#using-algolia-docsearch Shall we apply for Algolia DocSearch? (It went pretty smoothly for Theme UI and the search experience is top notch.)

Oh we could use DocSearch even without Docusaurus, so these two don't conflict. I just linked the docusaurus docs as I had them already open. I like Supabase's approach -...