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DocsPage code preview indentation is wrong
Describe the bug When creating stories for a DocsPage with an MDX file, the code preview underneath the story seems to have the wrong indentation, even though it's correct in the file.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Create a
file - Output a
<Story name="default"><Preview><Component /></Preview></Story>
- Go to DocsPage for that component
- Click "Code" button to bring up code preview
- See wrong indentation for code preview
Expected behavior The indentation (and line breaks) would be identical to how it shows up in the MDX file.
The code:
and how it shows up in the DocsPage <Preview>
Code snippets If applicable, add code samples to help explain your problem.
System: Environment Info:
System: OS: macOS 10.14.6 CPU: (8) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4870HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz Binaries: Node: 12.6.0 - /usr/local/bin/node Yarn: 1.17.3 - /usr/local/bin/yarn npm: 6.9.0 - /usr/local/bin/npm Browsers: Chrome: 76.0.3809.87 Firefox: 68.0.1 Safari: 12.1.2 npmPackages: @storybook/addon-actions: ^5.2.0-rc.10 => 5.2.0-rc.11 @storybook/addon-docs: ^5.2.0-rc.11 => 5.2.0-rc.11 @storybook/addon-links: ^5.2.0-rc.10 => 5.2.0-rc.11 @storybook/addons: ^5.2.0-rc.10 => 5.2.0-rc.11 @storybook/react: ^5.2.0-rc.10 => 5.2.0-rc.11
Additional context The same exact indentation abnormality (2nd through 2nd last lines are indented one tab too far left, and last line indented two tabs too far right) seems to happen for all my DocsPage code previews, so I figured it's either a configuration issue somewhere on my end, or a bug with the DocsPage code preview.
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Hi everyone! Seems like there hasn't been much going on in this issue lately. If there are still questions, comments, or bugs, please feel free to continue the discussion. Unfortunately, we don't have time to get to every issue. We are always open to contributions so please send us a pull request if you would like to help. Inactive issues will be closed after 30 days. Thanks!
Having the same issue, looks especially strange with render prop components... 😆
@atanasster can you help out here?
can someone please paste source code in text form to reproduce the issue instead of pics
@atanasster i think we have plenty of examples in the monorepo already, e.g.
Whoopee!! I just released containing PR #9513 that references this issue. Upgrade today to try it out!
Closing this issue. Please re-open if you think there's still more to do.
Indentation still wrong for *.mdx
files in storybook v5.3.8
Boo-yah!! I just released containing PR #9609 that references this issue. Upgrade today to try it out!
Closing this issue. Please re-open if you think there's still more to do.
The problem still exists in 5.3.9.
This code:
prop1="prop stay inline"
prop2="prop stay inline"
type: "indent ignored",
value: "indent ignored",
obj: {
type2: "indent accepted from here"
is transformed to:
<div prop1="prop stay inline" prop2="prop stay inline" content2={{
type: "indent ignored",
value: "indent ignored",
obj: {
type2: "indent accepted from here"
}} />
Create the file .storybook/preview-head.html
which includes the following style block.
<style> pre code { tab-size: 2 !important; } </style>
I tried the @sezeregrek workaround, but I'm still getting indentation error in this case when I use MDX:
<Story name="Single">
{() => {
const [isActive, setActive] = useSingle(1);
return (
{, idx) => {
const active = isActive(idx)
return (
<div key={}>
If I define the same code using CSF, it works fine.
I'd like to take this one. I did some quick research.
I've added a repro story (picture 1) to get the most hideous formatting. You can notice in the picture 2, that the code is altered not only in whitespace. It has also one pair of parentheses less.
I logged the source
around addons/docs/src/blocks/Source.tsx#L45. We can already see the change in formatting there, this is before the Source from the components package renders.
I don't know yet where docs.source.code
is assigned so I'll need to debug a bit.
@shilman Would you prefer to leave the story code as written or format it with prettier/standalone
? Or maybe make it configurable in Source and Preview props?
(There is a format prop in Source already, but it's only calling dedent
Formatting would also be useful for cases like "Counter w/ Code" story. It's 80 chars long, but it wraps in the docs page. (pictures 1 and 2)
1. input
2. output
@hasparus Awesome, I'm so happy you're taking this. I think formatting the code with prettier is the way to go -- the user should have the option of auto-formatting or zero formatting, which I believe is already the case, just the auto-formatting logic is insufficient for most cases. I believe that's happening in syntaxhighlighter.tsx
inside lib/components
cc @ndelangen
yup, this is the current formatter.
import memoize from 'memoizerific';
import dedent from 'ts-dedent';
export const formatter = memoize(2)((code: string) => dedent(code));
I like the code a lot, but dedent just isn't the big gun we need.
Okay, the work can be split in two parts.
1. if format is false, preserve user's source code as written
I think zero formatting option is broken ATM in MDX stories @shilman.
The parentheses are removed, newlines are added.
If it were only spaces, it could be some dedent
issue or CSS tab-size problem.
The source code of the story is altered before getting to Source component. I think we should detect why it happens and preserve user's formatting if possible.
This fixes the bottom example in picture 2 above and leaves the first preview source ("Counter w/ Code") as is.
2. if format is true format with Prettier
This improves the case in "Counter w/ Code" story and "repairs" the alteration which is root cause of this issue if we force format == true in MDX stories.
I consider both the fix (1) and the feature (2) worth implementing.
I've made the following patch-package until the correct fix is done. It works in my case (having prettier already installed). Use at your own risk. @storybook+components+5.3.18.patch
index 6a56b1b..457af0d 100644
--- a/node_modules/@storybook/components/dist/blocks/Preview.js
+++ b/node_modules/@storybook/components/dist/blocks/Preview.js
@@ -51,6 +51,17 @@ var _ActionBar = require("../ActionBar/ActionBar");
var _Toolbar = require("./Toolbar");
+var prettier = require("prettier/standalone");
+var plugins = [require("prettier/parser-babel")];
+function funkyFormattingHack(code) {
+ var formatted = prettier.format(code, {plugins}).trim();
+ if(formatted.endsWith(';')) {
+ formatted = formatted.slice(0, -1);
+ }
+ return formatted;
function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache() { return cache; }; return cache; }
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || _typeof(obj) !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { "default": obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj["default"] = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; }
@@ -125,6 +136,9 @@ var PreviewContainer = _theming.styled.div(function (_ref3) {
var getSource = function getSource(withSource, expanded, setExpanded) {
+ if(withSource && withSource.code) {
+ withSource.code = funkyFormattingHack(withSource.code)
+ }
switch (true) {
case !!(withSource && withSource.error):
diff --git a/node_modules/@storybook/components/dist/blocks/Source.js b/node_modules/@storybook/components/dist/blocks/Source.js
index ecfb5d7..eb3eea1 100644
--- a/node_modules/@storybook/components/dist/blocks/Source.js
+++ b/node_modules/@storybook/components/dist/blocks/Source.js
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ var Source = function Source(props) {
var syntaxHighlighter = _react["default"].createElement(StyledSyntaxHighlighter, _extends({
bordered: true,
copyable: true,
- format: format,
+ format: false,
language: language,
className: "docblock-source"
}, rest), code);
Is there any work being done on this? I'd be happy to dig into it, though I don't have much experience with the storybook source code haha. Would love to have my source code unformatted (or even better, automatically formatted by prettier!)
@hasparus started a PR to use prettier but it stalled. I think the issue there is bundle size. I'd love some help to fix this. There's also another JS formatter used in storybook-addon-jsx that might be worth a look
Ahh I see @shilman , thanks for the update! Interesting, I'll check it out. I wonder if we could declare prettier as a peer dependency or something, and try to require it and fall back to the current version or something
Hi @shilman, @keyboard-clacker. Yeah, the pandemic happened and life got a bit more complicated for me. I think I stopped on the problem with dynamic imports and code splitting. The components are in separate library, so Prettier can't be code splitted by webpack, and we should do something manually to lazily include prettier parsers. I dived into storybook's build system and didn't figure how to solve this.
yup, this is the current formatter.
import memoize from 'memoizerific'; import dedent from 'ts-dedent'; export const formatter = memoize(2)((code: string) => dedent(code));
I like the code a lot, but dedent just isn't the big gun we need.
Okay, the work can be split in two parts.
1. if format is false, preserve user's source code as written
I think zero formatting option is broken ATM in MDX stories @shilman. The parentheses are removed, newlines are added. If it were only spaces, it could be some
issue or CSS tab-size problem.The source code of the story is altered before getting to Source component. I think we should detect why it happens and preserve user's formatting if possible.
This fixes the bottom example in picture 2 above and leaves the first preview source ("Counter w/ Code") as is.
2. if format is true format with Prettier
This improves the case in "Counter w/ Code" story and "repairs" the alteration which is root cause of this issue if we force format == true in MDX stories.
I consider both the fix (1) and the feature (2) worth implementing.
I set the format
= false, fixed the indent problem, I also run well in my custom components below when I use react-syntax-highlighter
import React from 'react'
import { Prism as SyntaxHighlighter } from 'react-syntax-highlighter'
import { atomDark } from 'react-syntax-highlighter/dist/esm/styles/prism'
const Highlighter = (props: any) => {
const { language, children } = props
return (
customStyle={{ fontSize: '12px' }}
const CodePreview = () => {
return <Highlighter language={'tsx'}>{String(require('!!raw-loader!@/Avatar').default)}</Highlighter>
export default CodePreview
so, just remove the formatter to fix this problem?
Hi, does anyone know if this bug would also extend to multiline template strings and return characters?
I have this in a story:
const twelveLineComment= `1. This
2. comment's
3. just
<b>4. twelve
5. lines
<i>6. long,
7. this</i></b>
8. comment's
9. just
<b>10. twelve
11. lines
12. long</b>`;
It renders like this:
- This 2. comment's 3. just 4. twelve 5. lines 6. long, 7. this 8. comment's 9. just 10. twelve 11. lines 12. long
And this:
const comment = '***Pros***\r\nLots of room for books\r\nNice Color';
Should render like this: Pros Lots of room for books Nice Color
Renders like this: Pros Lots of room for books Nice Color
I don't know how to add a screen shot, but the line are being replaced with spaces.
That feels like a bit of a different issue?
This issue is about code-snippets getting incorrect indentation.
What you're describing is the rendering of html not respecting line-breaks. Which is a 'feature' of HTML I think?
Is this code in a mdx or md file? is this markdown format? Im not sure that would be valid markdown.
I'm on the latest version of storybook and am still seeing incorrect indentation. Am I missing something?
Here's what my MDX looks like:
And here's the output:
@coreybruyere this issue is still open. PRs welcome!
Automention: Hey @patricklafrance, you've been tagged! Can you give a hand here?
Hello there! Stuck with the indentation issue. When using the control panel and the following code
const props = {
phoneSize: 'm',
icon: false,
phoneNumber: '11111',
const Template = (args: any) => (
<PhoneNumber {...args} />
export const Default = Template.bind({})
Default.args = props
I get the following preview:
Has anyone come across a similar one? Thanks!
Hello there! Stuck with the indentation issue. When using the control panel and the following code
const props = { phoneSize: 'm', icon: false, phoneNumber: '11111', } const Template = (args: any) => ( <PhoneNumber {...args} /> ) export const Default = Template.bind({}) Default.args = props
I get the following preview:
Has anyone come across a similar one? Thanks!
I had this issue. I had a style that was over-riding the css display property. Make sure you have display: inline
or display: inline-block
or display: initial
@djizco I'm not using any custom styles for this story. The page contains only the styles of the storybook itself. An interesting note is that when the components were written using knobs, everything worked correctly, but with controls for some reason there is such a problem with spacing (
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