Hanno Braun

Results 390 comments of Hanno Braun

> Thanks for your feedback, I'll start to submit pull-requests now. Great, thank you! :+1: > > The concept you present here is fully in line with my own (rather...

> @hannobraun which part should we automate next? > > Publishing releases to crates.io could also be done from within the workflow. It requires a token to be put in...

> Ok, let's go with publishing to crates.io next then. When you log in to crates.io, you can create API tokens in your profile. Generate one and put it into...

> _Aside: The "environments" feature is supposed to aid projects that have different release tiers, e.g. edge, stage, prod. And each of those have different secrets._ Ah, makes sense. >...

#394 has some discussion on populating the GitHub release once it is created, specifically on extracting the release announcement from the website to add it there.

I just had a thought: The order in which we release crates is important, as they depend on each other. I don't think we take that into account right now....

@hendrikmaus I'm starting the process of publishing the next release now. Looking forward to see how it goes!

Update: Still working on the release. First the changelog took forever. Then writing the announcement took forever (not completely done yet). Then other stuff got in the way (spent a...

I attempted the release in https://github.com/hannobraun/Fornjot/pull/524. Didn't work, unfortunately. `release-operator` didn't detect a release: https://github.com/hannobraun/Fornjot/runs/6308629861?check_suite_focus=true#step:5:129

Ah, I think I messed up the commit message. The version number I included was missing the 'v' prefix.