Ulrich Pogson

Results 91 comments of Ulrich Pogson

Those are good for info checks but they require manual checks to see if all of the strings are internationalized and that the `rtl.css` is not empty. I agree that...

> I didn't add any loader tests for this one (because of the manual involvement) Ok, that makes sense now.

I think this may be best discussed in a Wiggly post as it is not related to the code.

I was going to say that this would be best for PHPCS but then I realised that would not be possible the the two strings were in the same file....

Could we adapt API Endpoint to include the secret in the URL? So instead of `https://.com/wp-json/traduttore/v1/incoming-webhook` have `https://.com/wp-json/traduttore/v1/incoming-webhook/secret`

As discussed with @valendesigns at WCEU contributor day there is a ruleset for themes: https://github.com/WPTRT/WPThemeReview It is stable but more rulesets will be added/updated in the future.

This is caused by the check here: https://github.com/WordPress/wordpress-importer/blob/db1d694d94e404a01df2fd8dcabe5dafeb211948/src/class-wp-import.php#L625 The way around it is to used the filter `wp_import_existing_post`. https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/33721

It was brought to my attention that this error was being shown in [WooCommerce](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/). As I did not get a PHP error I tried to replicate the code in a...

Reporting a similar code example. ```php if ( function_exists( 'get_magic_quotes_runtime' ) && get_magic_quotes_runtime() ) { set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); } ```

I think the sniff could be relatively simple if we have list of WordPress filters and actions. It would need to be decided what happens if the hook is not...