Jan Kaniewski

Results 268 comments of Jan Kaniewski

Interesting. So WFULambdaRunnable has a lot of pointless lines left over from early UE4 exploration but it is generally only used as a simple throwaway thread for long lambdas. Cleanup...

I was thinking about what wanted out of a Lambda thread and why I use the architecture rather than ```FRunnables``` and it really boils down to context capture and inline...

Rar _compression_ cannot be used due to licensing (see https://github.com/getnamo/7zip-cpp/blob/master/LICENSE.txt). Rar _decompression_ however is usable with 7z.dll, but rar isn't available at all if using the slimmer feature set in...

related to https://github.com/getnamo/7zip-cpp/issues/20 in the underlying library

It's been sitting on the todo list for a while https://github.com/getnamo/ZipUtility-ue4/issues/8 It likely needs a some modification in the underlying https://github.com/getnamo/7zip-cpp to extract to memory, but I haven't dug in...

Clone and use the [cmake file](https://github.com/getnamo/7zip-cpp/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt) to generate your .sln? should work in theory

See https://github.com/getnamo/ZipUtility-ue4#note-on-compiling

You're getting this error here: https://github.com/getnamo/ZipUtility-ue4/blob/master/Source/ZipUtility/ZipUtility.Build.cs#L81 Check the results from the path output that start in https://github.com/getnamo/ZipUtility-ue4/blob/master/Source/ZipUtility/ZipUtility.Build.cs#L25

might be related to this fix https://github.com/getnamo/ZipUtility-ue4/pull/15

At a glance, looks like 7zip com API needs ```-mhe``` option passed to encrypt archive header (ref https://www.cnx-software.com/2011/02/22/aes-256-encryption-and-file-names-encryption-with-7-zip-7z/), likely somewhere around https://github.com/getnamo/7zip-cpp/blob/0cbebfbef54731db9df49baaa8adde38936eeed3/7zpp/SevenZipCompressor.cpp#L157 or https://github.com/getnamo/7zip-cpp/blob/0cbebfbef54731db9df49baaa8adde38936eeed3/7zpp/ArchiveUpdateCallback.cpp needs to be modified to update...