Jan Kaniewski

Results 268 comments of Jan Kaniewski

partially added in https://github.com/getnamo/ZipUtility-ue4/commit/2c3d7eafbb5224da0545b2c4127121c58369f73d

NB, future improvement in native, no-copy gpu ops via: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/commit/a1d6179adb1ca6208281ed955860c319525edf75

Sounds like you didn't install the plugins into your new project make sure to click on https://github.com/getnamo/tensorflow-ue4/releases/tag/0.11.0 and e.g. ```tensorflow-ue4.21-v0.11.0-cpu.7z``` and drag that into your new project as well. The...

Folders look good. So I just tried this: download and extract example project, place on desktop, download plugins (cpu) extract and drag into project. Then create new C++ class, close...

Those warning are normal and do not impact build. The crash itself points to https://github.com/getnamo/UnrealEnginePython/blob/3099703c54f8c582a255aa3ea56f2e1a73df5bc3/Source/UnrealEnginePython/Private/UnrealEnginePython.cpp#L466, which according to https://www.linuxjournal.com/article/3641 says > Calling PyEval_InitThreads turns on the runtime thread support Silly...

You can maybe try to change from using the embedded python to one auto-located on your computer via changing https://github.com/getnamo/UnrealEnginePython/blob/master/Source/UnrealEnginePython/UnrealEnginePython.Build.cs#L13

Tried to de-couple this earlier, it appears inbuilt pip cannot be run asynchronously. Will need per-platform workaround.

This setup (installIfNeeded function): https://github.com/Glenn-v-W/nlp-ue4-example/blob/master/Content/Scripts/GlennvWsNaturalLanguageProcessing.py looks like a promising avenue.

It should be a matter of listening to the ```OnAudioData```, it calls back on the game thread and the buffer is copied, but it's possible it might get overwritten again...

While it's not a platform I use, this plugin can largely work on Mac with some modifications. Only a few things are windows specific: the cmd command line pip to...