Vlad Frolov

Results 251 comments of Vlad Frolov

Just FYI, I built a crate that integrates flatbuffers code-generation to cargo build process, so it is more convenient to use flatbuffers to develop applications: https://github.com/frol/flatc-rust. I'm not sure if...

May I suggest introducing new traits and method names while keeping the old ones as aliases? So then the old names can be promoted to the deprecation and the future...

Same problem with Arch Linux: * X.Org X Server 1.20.7 * Kernel 5.4.20-1-lts * Rustc 1.41

@mikeal Our use-case involves, potentially, millions requests to the same RPC host, and we run out of the number of TCP ports without Keep-Alive.

I am getting the same error: ``` $ sudo shairplay -a mylaptop Error opening audio device 5 Please check your libao settings and try again ``` I have tried `alsa`...

I am also watching the space of RESTful API server frameworks in Rust. The main feature I am, actually, looking for is OpenAPI (f.k.a. Swagger) integration since there are Swagger...

@levex I would love to use the new API. Are there any roadblocks? Can I help with sorting them out?

@levex I want to let you know that I ended up implementing my own [`cgroups-fs`](https://crates.io/crates/cgroups-fs) crate due to the following issues: * I could not attach a child process to...

@alehander42 I am interested to hear about both described situations. And also what about performance? Does it improve (I hope so)? There is also [Nuitka](http://nuitka.net/) project, that compiles Python 2/3...

@gsauthof Ok, I will make some refactorings and create a pull request.