Vlad Frolov

Results 120 issues of Vlad Frolov


I wonder how you manage the non-descriptive names like `as_static`, `as_ref`, when you have an enum that, e.g. describes a state: ```rust enum MyState { Position1(i32), GameOver(String), } ``` Having...

I have just discovered this project reading [this stackoverflow answer](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6344076/differences-between-distribute-distutils-setuptools-and-distutils2) and I'm curious about the fate of this project.

What do you think about adding extra options to be able to set memory and time limits for a given program? It is not hard to add `echo(memory_limit, "/memory.limit_in_bytes")` and...

Could you, please, add a comparison to [Apache Thrift](https://thrift.apache.org/)? Thrift spec supports unions, structs, enums. Thrift RPC can use its own binary format as well as JSON (exactly for browser...


I tried intro example and bumped into a few problems: 1. vitext 0.0.1 is deleted, so I had to update it to `0.0.2` in the `intro/package.json` 2. next, `npm run...

I have been experimenting with Infinit Desktop inside a Docker container and discovered that I needed to install these dependencies: ``` $ apt install --no-install-recommends libglib2.0-0 libnss3 libgconf2-4 libfontconfig1 libpangocairo-1.0.0...


The changes are quite radical, so it will take some time to get things going. Just for the reference: https://github.com/noirbizarre/flask-restplus/issues/267