Vlad Frolov

Results 251 comments of Vlad Frolov

FYI, Oracle requires using Oracle account to download JDK now (give this link a try: https://download.oracle.com/otn/java/jdk/8u212-b10/59066701cf1a433da9770636fbc4c9aa/jdk-8u212-linux-x64.tar.gz), so I don't see a way to publish updates of this Docker image anymore.

@grzesuav I don't see any point in having OpenJDK binaries compiled for glibc running on Alpine. There is already [`frolvlad/alpine-openjdk7`](https://github.com/frol/docker-alpine-openjdk7), and Alpine Linux has OpenJDK8 in their repositories as well.

I just want to sum it up for the future: we decided that we don't need BigDecimal support in the indexer, and thus this PR stuck with some of the...

@quasiyoke Good point! Will you be up to prepare and submit a PR?

It should be possible to implement a wrapper struct, which would have the Borsh implementation on it. What do you think?

@Arrowana The reason I asked for the test is to see how this is expected to be used. Reading https://github.com/near/borsh-rs/issues/7#issuecomment-765582816: > serde, can handle this case, btw I wonder how...

Well, nice finding, but ... > If lockup starts earlier than vesting, we crash because we have a negative result after subtracting There is never a case where the lockup...

I have implemented that BinaryHeap when I was adding BTreeMap support in #6. I should not have done that. I vote for removing support for BinaryHeap since indeed I don't...

> Warn: it should never be merged, it's based on v2 of lockup contract Hmm, how is it based on v2 if the code is from the master branch? I...

Good catch! Thanks for reporting it, but I believe borsh schema issues won't be addressed at the moment as it is not used in production and was just an experiment...