
Results 25 issues of flamewing

Fixing 63-bit rotates in main 68k. Fixing shifts by more than 31 bits in main 68k. Synchronizing the improvements main 68k had over stock StarScream to sub68k.

There should be a way to specify per-project starting directories for picking art/mappings/DPLC/palettes. As is, if you start Flex from explorer, the dialog boxes always default to Flex' directory, making...

In SonMapEd, you can cycle through the individual sprite pieces of a sprite frame by pressing `shift+[` or `shift+]`. Having the ability to do similar in Flex would be great,...

The sprite strip on the left side uses a different scaling value for each sprite frame. There should be an option to have them all use the same scale, and...

Some objects (example: Rexon badnik in Hill Top Zone in Sonic 2) use the foreground or background palette lines (lines 2/3). These palette offsets are coded into the game, so...

Some objects need the ability to load multiple art files, or have a range of blank tiles added before or after the art, similar to what is done for palettes....

```RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds at wasm-function[151]:0x8d8a at wasm-function[95]:0x6ae3 at wasm-function[81]:0x664e at wasm-function[1017]:0x3f5e9 at wasm-function[972]:0x39faf at Te (file:////tools/flex/resources/app.asar/bundles/main.js:160:18124) at file:////tools/flex/resources/app.asar/bundles/main.js:160:18750 at Be (file:////tools/flex/resources/app.asar/bundles/main.js:160:18773) at et. (file:////tools/flex/resources/app.asar/bundles/main.js:160:31206) at we (file:////tools/flex/resources/app.asar/bundles/main.js:15:6740)...

Maybe it would be a good idea to have an embedded DSL for describing file formats, and have the internal code be mostly generated automatically. Something like (straw syntax): ```c++...


Seems to be one more LZSS format. References: - [Thread by @Clownacy](https://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?threads/s2-nick-arcades-unknown-compression-is-used-in-kid-chameleon.36073/) - [Linked thread by Saxman](https://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?threads/sonic-hackers-should-ditch-kosinski-for-this.25810/) - [C++ implementation](https://github.com/sonicretro/kid-chameleon-disasm/tree/master/tools/src) - [clownlzss implementation](https://github.com/Clownacy/clownlzss/blob/master/chameleon.c) - sonicretro/SonLVL#102


Need to add multi-stream LZSS, with separate streams for descriptors and inline data. This is needed for #24, and relevant for #8.
