Faisal Salman

Results 38 comments of Faisal Salman

Moving user agent client hints-related issue here: #408

With growing list of new model released everyday, I doubt that this library can keep up. It's better to focus on getting the model number pattern, whereas the model name...

This is the intended behavior for Brave, quoting from https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/1052#issuecomment-420075841, they ultimately decided to remove specific Brave user-agent string > As a general policy, we don't want the `user-agent` string...

Not implementing this atm, although there is a possibility that we will try it in the future..

Fixed in https://github.com/faisalman/ua-parser-js/commit/a1d816ae21e18c8debbe5f23657a0ce750290317

Can anyone with Apple Silicon device confirm this is correct? using `navigator.userAgentData` https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65146751/detecting-apple-silicon-mac-in-javascript#answer-75177111

Thank you for the questions, please allow me to give my view on these matters: @philstools From my understanding of the AGPL license, only the code that contains what's considered...

@Nikemare @TIncorviaITLS which license would you suggest? We're aiming for an open-core model to simply maintain a mutual balance between us and our users.

@TIncorviaITLS From our perspective of an open-core model, in UAParser.js case, `v2.0` can be regarded as a combination of `v1.0` (the open & limited "core") + some added features (the...