Faisal Salman

Results 38 comments of Faisal Salman

@MarioRicalde > We need a lot of clarity on these terms: "Core" "Shell". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-core_model https://dev.to/ryandawsonuk/the-open-core-business-model-363n In UAParser.js case, basically: (`v1.0` as the "Core") + (some new features like client-hints, feature-detection,...

@sandstrom Wow. Thanks for the thoughtful inputs! > The good thing with life-time is that it's easy for companies, just pay once and be done with it. The problem though...

@lancedockins @sandstrom @TIncorviaITLS Thank you for the thorough evaluations. It's really valuable for us to get to know from the enterprise-side perspectives. We see some interesting points to be considered...

@TIncorviaITLS @jkjustjoshing Thank you for pointing. I'll work on enhancing the clarity of the licenses.

@castarco If you installed it from `ua-parser-js` package then it's either MIT (`v1.0`) or AGPL (since `v2.0`). But since you have purchased the PRO license, you are allowed to use...

Since Apple froze its user agent in version 10.15.7, we haven't yet find a reliable solution that can be derived from only the user agent data (as in the Chrome...

Hi! Thanks for the suggestion, as a general rule, I'll consider to add a feature if there are enough users who need it as well. In the mean time we...

Can you provide a screenshot of whats being displayed in https://uaparser.js.org/ ?