Faisal Salman

Results 38 comments of Faisal Salman

Hi Cristobal, sorry if it may sound odd but can you assist me how to update? is it because packagist.org doesn't automatically pull from github?

Hi john, it's not included by design since support for xlsx format isn't fully ready..

No ETA yet, I'm open if anyone want to contribute :grin:

Since `1.x` is basicly just a mirror of `0.7.x`, I think the patch-level version should be the same, just for convenience..

@mercuryyy because this update introduce a breaking change, I'm worried that it will affect existing code for people that still use `if (browser.name == "Firefox" && os.name == "iOS")` and...

I'm still considering on how to include any other non-browser agents (such as bots, apps, media players, libraries, cli, etc) but can still offer them as optional, maybe using something...

At this moment, you can only add new regexes to the end of the list (see `util.extend`).

Sorry for the misclick, reopening this issue again