Faisal Salman

Results 38 comments of Faisal Salman

Hi all, very sorry about this. I noticed something unusual when my email was suddenly flooded by spams from hundreds of websites (maybe so I don't realize something was up,...

> @faisalman did you use the "Report malware" button? I don't know how quick NPM support usually is but I imagine they might pay attention to that. Yes I've sent...

> This thing tries to steal saved passwords, cookies, and who knows what else. The sooner you can pull the plug the better, it doesn't matter if version numbers suffer...

> I think we should publish new versions above that this hijected versions. > > Like: 0.7.30 0.8.1 1.0.1 Done. Thanks for the suggestion 👍


The bug can be happened when comparing version number using string, like what was once found in slack [1] ``` if (browser.version > '52') ``` up until `'99'` the result...

It doesn't detect them at the moment but if you want to use it by the current state, you can extend with your own list: https://github.com/faisalman/ua-parser-js#using-extension ```js var myOwnListOfBrowsers =...

Starting from version `2.0`, user-agent client hints can be used as an addition to existing user-agent by explicitly calls `withClientHints()` method.