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Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.

Results 225 express issues
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Currently when i create a new express application. That application has a default error handling. So code like this: ``` const express = require("express"); const app = express(); app.get("*", function()...


I've been experimenting with strict routing using `express@latest` and have found that the following the requests all route to the same path when supplying `strict: true` to express. This doesn't...

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Hi, I'm using express and ejs. I passed an object to res.render then called a for in loop on it on the template but when it's printed it has _locals...

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Hello, I know this has been asked before and I know the response is that CHARSET=UTF-8 is enforced in the package because of security concerns. This has been discussed in...


Hi, I just found out about router.param() and immediately started using it in my code. It makes checks based on parameters so darn clean :) Really good job on the...

Based on [this SO question]( and as mentioned by @dougwilson in [this PR](, i open an issue to understand how to manage error messages through the middleware cycle (layers stack)....


Hi there, Currently, if you define a route like this: ``` javascript route = require('express').Router({strict: true}); route.get('/', function(req, res) { res.send('hi'); }); ``` And `use()` that in an express application...


I'd like to implement middleware that returns formatted json in the response when `pretty_ouput` is present on the query. I attempted this with the following code: ```js // This code...


Branching since it's more general than express-static The use case I'm trying to catch is when the client aborts. I found in my unit testing it's actually hard to...


Hello everybody, I'm using Express 4.17.1 and I ran into a problem where `req.params` is undefined in an `onFinished` call back that I recently added for error logging. I have...

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