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Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.

Results 229 express issues
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I started using express as part of Angular Universal and started facing this issue: 1. Request with no trailing slash (/welcome) 2. A 301 redirect returned to request with...

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I am finding very useful to make use of adapter functions so you can write plain TypeScript (JavaScript) controllers and use them in express without compromising them. A simple example:...


# Breif Currently inorder to close an express app (server) the developer needs to capture the returning `http.server` from `app.listen`. This practice is not documented by express, and requires the...

In a request we can get the originalUrl, which is the complete URL for the request after it has travelled through nested routes. But I think an originalRoute would be...


Hi, I'm using ```app.use(`/${STATIC_PATH}`, express.static(LOCAL_ROOT_DIR))``` to serve static file and it works quite well. However, if the static file is symlinked, it return 404 error. Is there a way to...


The response body of a redirect via the `res.redirect()` method will be `${statuses.message[status]} Redirecting to ${url}`, which is invalid HTML without a `DOCTYPE` and `` element. In particular, the absence...

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According to the nodejs official documentation, module.parent is deprecated since: v14.6.0, v12.19.0。[module.parent]( So i use use module.children instead !module.parent in this example。


After using the following code, express still terminates and does not output anything to the console ```js process .on("unhandledRejection", (reason, p) => { console.log(reason, " | Unhandled Rejection at Promise...


code for app.js app.js //serving public file const public_path = path.join(__dirname,"../public"); app.use(express.static(public_path)); //serving dynamic file const dynamic_path = path.join(__dirname,"../templates/views"); app.set("view engine","hbs"); app.set("views", dynamic_path); //serving dynamic file const partials_path = path.join(__dirname,"../templates/partials");...

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At the date of the PR : - nodejs 16 last version is 16.18, see - nodejs 18 last version is 18.12, see Note : nodejs 19 update...
