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Results 225 express issues
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Moved this functionality to a separate module so I could use it in my other package. It appears no tests were originally written, so I added some in the module....


This is inspired by #2982. It adds an option object to engines, and adds an option for bypassing the filesystem mapping and checks done in view.js. Alternatively, this option could...

needs tests

This commit adds `res.settings`, an object on to which properties can be defined that will override application settings within Express internals (the values returned from `app.get()` are not altered, therefore...

needs rebase

This is a tracking issue for release 5.0. **_5.0.0-beta.1 published on npm_** I am trying to give better visibility for upcoming changes and so am trying out making a PR...

top priority

I just want to query the defaulting of env to 'development' in `app.defaultConfiguration`. In a situation where verbose error messaging may expose sensitive information, there is a risk on information...


NodeJS now has support for Blob's globally, ...earlier you had to load it from `require('buffer').Blob` it would be cool / awesome if it where possible to respond with a Blob...


# Request Triage Role for `@Segmentational` # - Extending [Issue 4762]( --- - [x] I have read and understood the project's Code of Conduct. - [x] I also have read...

Testing node's new http2 native module I couldn't get express to serve requests over http2, Using node master build with `--expose-http2` flag: ```js const express = require('express'); const app =...


I have read and understood the project's Code of Conduct. I also have read and understood the process and best practices around Express triaging. I request for a triager role...

It seems that we can remove a few dependencies before the `5.0` release: - `methods` - We can use the built-in `http` module: ```javascript const { METHODS } = require("http");...
