Results 30 comments of Leonardo

Hi, any chance this would be addressed? It could be a very useful options for ROS users.

Hi, do you find a solution? I would like to use my raspicam at high resolution but make a small ROI in order to detect tags that are just in...

raspicam_node from ubiquity is working on my pi2 but with compressed image only. The problem is with RAW image enabled. If I enable RAW image then running image_view gives the...

this is the video modes list for v2 camera: 1 - 1080P30 cropped (680 pixels off left/right, 692 pixels off top/bottom), up to 30fps 2 - 3240x2464 Full 4:3, up...

currently the RTK corrections msgs (RTCM3) are traveling by another channel I think. I think this driver can't consume RTCM3 msgs. I have an ardusimple base station with XBee radio...

sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-gmapping and pip install scikit-learn works for me. I can confirm that it's working ok on my side.

I'm trying this demo on humble too and have some error running `ros2 launch nav2_gps_waypoint_follower_demo use_rviz:=True` : ``` [INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/elgarbe/.ros/log/2024-01-04-09-26-52-019959-elgarbe-9516 [INFO]...

Cant' you just install ros iron? It works pretty well on it. Or even using a docker container? I'm doing that waiting for a solution on Humble ...

> I tried using the docker but found no success Just in case you want to give it a try again: Dockerfile: ``` FROM osrf/ros:iron-desktop WORKDIR /home/nav2_gps_ws RUN . /opt/ros/iron/