Results 30 comments of Leonardo

I'm trying to make a Dokerfile with nav2 build process, but I'm facing a problem: ``` FROM dustynv/ros:humble-ros-base-l4t-r32.7.1 RUN mkdir -p /root/nav2_ws/src WORKDIR /root/nav2_ws ENV ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/opt/ros/humble/install # ROS fundamentals RUN...

> @elgarbe hmm, not entirely sure - if you put `rosdep install -y --ignore-src --from-paths src --rosdistro humble --skip-keys "xsimd" --skip-keys "ignition-cmake2" --skip-keys "ignition-math6"` in the RUN command above it...

I'm connected by ethernet cable to the same router as my PC. Extrange that `vcs import src/ < ros2.humble.nav2.rosinstall` requier internet connection and works as expected, but `rosdep install -y...

I forget to source the ROS distro.... This is the best I can make, it faild on some point but I'm not able to fix it. It seems to me...

@dusty-nv starting from a custom ubuntu 20.04 image ( is there a way to run ros2 humble on docker and install nav2 package?

Oh!! yes I can use my nodes without CUDA. I have limited experience with docker, thank for your patience answering my questions.

It's an old issue, I know, but I'm facing the same problem. I think that a workaround could be use robot_localization package and feed IMU and GPS data from mavros...

I've tried using the nav2_params.yaml provided with sam_bot (with [this PR added]( `ros2 launch nav2_bringup params_file:=xxxxx/nav2tutorial_ws/src/navigation2_tutorials/sam_bot_description/config/nav2_params.yaml` but get this errors: ``` [bt_navigator-5] [ERROR] [1706987053.543650228] [bt_navigator]: Exception when loading BT:...

adding: ``` - nav2_are_error_codes_active_condition_bt_node - nav2_would_a_controller_recovery_help_condition_bt_node - nav2_would_a_planner_recovery_help_condition_bt_node - nav2_would_a_smoother_recovery_help_condition_bt_node ``` to nav2_params.yaml on sam_bot_description solve previos problem. Now I can see costmaps as expected by tutorial.