Doug Preyna P1 1. Login as Administrator. The system displays the List of Disasters page. 2. Click "Cluster List". The system displays the "List of Clusters" page. Please note that...
I would like to offer that for a system which will be used in the event of a limited thermo-nuclear war, time is of the essence. I like to offer...
Please remember that you cannot "fire" a volunteer but a voilunteer CAN refuse to help. I'd like to offer the following suggestions: 1. What will the user think when using...
It would be helpful to assign groups of people to a coordinator in the admin module.
It will be important to remember accessibility. I'd like to offer the following: 1. be careful of color blindness 2. screen reader accessible 3. perhaps a msound to denote the...
When a volunteer checks in, it would be helpful to have a field which denotes the volunteer's availability.
In a crisis, nobody would have the time to ask who so and so is. What is needed is a means to print out a badge with a QR code...
As a volunteer I would be a roadblock if the disaster listed didn't actually fit my perception of the actual disaster. This would result in uncertainty. This app is designed...
Once I have checked in, it is wonderful that I am thanked; however, I'd like to offer that a follow on could be to state what will happen next. For...
There is no clarity around the check in and check out buttons. I can see three scenarios: I assume they are used to keep track of whether or not the...