Riccardo Cipolleschi

Results 310 comments of Riccardo Cipolleschi

I had a look at the issue recently but I couldn't test it properly as I don't have any mirroring enabled device at home or in the office. However, **we...

Hi @lucaswitch, thank you for this issue. As far as I know, Codegen do support [object types](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/main/packages/react-native-codegen/src/CodegenSchema.d.ts#L337) in TS and for Android. Note that writeable map is not type safe...

@cloudpresser I'm sorry to ask for this, I have been tried to land this change for a while, but meanwhile the state of the repo has changed. Could you please...

Yeah, a colleague has fixed the iOS jobs, but there are other jobs that are broken, unfortunately...

@dmytrorykun could you reimport the PR, please?

I don't understand why CircleCI on main is passing, but it is not passing in this PR. :/ There are no Ruby-related differences...