Riccardo Cipolleschi

Results 310 comments of Riccardo Cipolleschi

@sam-houle1 Sorry for the crash. It's kind of hard to help here as there is no crash message at all. Last Exception Backtrace's RCTAssert.m `0x10276b304 RCTFatal + 668 (RCTAssert.m:147)` should...

Hi @Haiananan, instead of running `pod install` could you run `bundle install` (you need to run this only once) and then `bundle exec pod install` and let us know if...

Why do you need AFNetworking, in the first place? That's a networking library for native iOS development. Theoretically, you should use JavaScript to perform networking operations with React Native.

Oh, ok. I manage to do it: 1. Open the `ios/Podfile` 2. Modify it like this: ```diff use_react_native!( :path => config[:reactNativePath], # Hermes is now enabled by default. Disable by...

The error is something like: `undefined method 'map' for nil:NilClass` from the last line of the log. Which is weird. Which version of Ruby and Cocoapods and bundler are you...

Hi @hassanharoon321! what's your specific problem? If you setup the environment as suggested by [the guide](https://reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup#ruby) and use the ruby bundler properly, it should work with no issues. Are you...

mmh... I wonder what would happen if we just remove that entry from the `hermes-engine.xcframework` plist... For the time being, could you try to use the hermes-engine framework from here:...

Can I ask if some of you have some time to set up a small repro for us? We would like to have this fixed, but so far we are...