Riccardo Cipolleschi

Results 310 comments of Riccardo Cipolleschi

@TomarVidhi04 hi there! Just to make sure that the setup is correct: did you update React Native, run Yarn and reinstall the pods with `bundle exec pod install`? It could...

Hi @ucheNkadiCode. Version 0.71.7 works properly. There is something dirty in your system. Please try to: 1. `cd ` 2. `yarn` //

Hi @ucheNkadiCode, I think you can safely remove that line from the the bridging headers. We are not generating that file, Cocoapods/Xcode does that automatically. So, probably, it has been...

Hi @anhdo9797. First of all, notice that Flipper is incompatible with frameworks, so you'd have to set this: `:flipper_configuration => FlipperConfiguration.disabled` Then, I did some tests: 1. created a new...

Can you try to use this import statement in your AppDelegate? ```diff -#import +#import ```

could you try to set up a minimal reproducer using [this repo](https://github.com/react-native-community/reproducer-react-native) This is a recurring problem, so I really want to solve it once and for all, but not...

Not really, it has to do with how Xcode packages the frameworks and where the files are put. which influences the header search path, but that's not the root cause....

If you managed to run it on a real device but not a simulator, try to cleanup the derived data. It could be that Xcode has something cached for the...

Hi @jpouabou, I'm sorry you are hitting this problem. A few questions to help you out: 1. If you create a new app from 0.72.7, does the problem persist? 2....

Hi there! The warning about multiple Podfile should not stop you from building the app. However, I put up a PR to fix this for new apps. Probably, the problem...