Riccardo Cipolleschi

Results 310 comments of Riccardo Cipolleschi

@Viraj-10 I have to ask if you can rebase this PR again... Also thanks for applying the suggestions!

There are some errors in CI, could you have a look at them, please?

Hi @Viraj-10, there are still errors. You can see them here: https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/facebook/react-native/15336/workflows/555b206f-388d-4dbd-868e-4727297563be/jobs/283063 An example of those is: ``` /home/circleci/react-native/Libraries/Components/Pressable/Pressable.js 226:5 error Duplicate key 'accessibilityLabel' no-dupe-keys 227:5 error Duplicate key 'accessibilityState'...

> Ah I see. Thanks for explaining. @cipolleschi what's your take here. Perhaps we can clearly mention in the doc that the file should be renamed inside Xcode or there...

> I needed to enable the -fcxx-modules flag not because of expo though, because of the `react-native-nordic-dfu` library which uses `@import` syntax. I can try to create a repo for...

Hi @raykle, could you please rebase your PR?

Hi @Pajn, thanks for the PR. Could you please rebase on main? We should have fixed the CI issues.

Sorry to ask that, but could you rebase again? The CI is still red but for some other commits that landed in between.. :(

It could also be that you are calling a method in JS which is not implemented in Native.

It seems that the `/rebase` command is not working properly... :/ @Kudo, could you try and rebase the PR? I should have fixed the CI issues. Thank you so much!