Christopher Hiller

Results 432 comments of Christopher Hiller

@nickjanssen Yes. Things like Grunt tasks to run tests, check jshint, generate documentation, etc., etc.

@capaj that's a different use case

it appears to be for development. but regardless, this issue is about nodemon, which many people use

This is intended behavior, but 1. the documentation is correct in that the fixtures are run _before your tests_ 1. it is incorrect in that the fixtures are not run...

I've created #4511 to address this. I agree that the behavior should change. Hopefully there hasn't been too much adoption of the feature yet..

@Swivelgames Have you tried `--parallel` combined with `--watch`? It might work, since we dump the workers after each run, but I don't think we are testing it anywhere yet.

Hmm... I don't quite understand why this is necessary. Can you show more code?

@ScottFreeCode That `program.exit` is the `--no-exit` option, which sounds applicable here. @dalegaspi Please see if running Mocha with `--no-exit` gives better results, and is a viable workaround for the time...

So it's weird to use an `EventEmitter` in this manner: ``` js runner.on('end', function (done) { someAsyncStuff(function(err) { done(err); }); }); ``` Not that the handler shouldn't be allowed to...

release might be problematic. we should be using npm's 2FA, which--last time I checked--means a machine cannot publish. I'll poke around and see what that looks like. tbh, I'm interested...