Christopher Hiller

Results 432 comments of Christopher Hiller

0.9.6 [this file](

I'm pretty pessimistic Cheerio would work, though it's a nice thought. @scottmas Perhaps if you ever _do_ get JSDom to build, you should distribute a binary of it. :smile:

FWIW I've since found the CP2102 devices are the most reliable when working with ESP8266's

Hi, I am having perhaps a related issue. I'm using PlatformIO to flash my D1 Mini. This is the upload log: ``` /Applications/ --build /Users/boneskull/Library/Caches/CLion12/cmake/generated/549bbd3d/549bbd3d/Debug --target PLATFORMIO_UPLOAD -- -j 8...

@igrr No, the D1 mini has a built-in CH340G adapter

I am having somewhat reliable results using 57600 baud, unfortunately

Not a server. NPM libraries. Just modules. Think something like `q` or even `grunt` itself, or a Grunt task. If Angus could be used in this context, it'd have to...