Christopher Hiller

Results 432 comments of Christopher Hiller

there was an issue about this before... I am not sure if there was a PR for it or what, but obviously it hasn't been addressed. I think the main...

@weswigham Meaning that if someone has `@types/mocha` installed, and we start shipping declarations, TS will just ignore the `@types/mocha` ones?

How would you ship “opt-in” types?

@juergba > To keep this file up to date seems to be a huge task. I don’t want to manually maintain a declaration file either. That’s the idea: it’s generation...

This sounds plausible. You can see the same issue when using "Git Bash" under Windows. The fix would live in `lib/reporters/base.js`, whatever it is--but we probably want to detect terminal...

IMO we should consume [log-symbols]( here; we already use it (elsewhere).

changing the output is a breaking change. I expect it to land in mocha v9. will take a look at the PR before then

@glenjamin @danielstjules Can someone provide the breaking change?

@danielstjules I'm not sure I understand why catching an `AssertionError` in a hook isn't feasible?

@danielstjules I would be fine with only catching `AssertionError`s in v3.0.0.