Christopher Hiller

Results 432 comments of Christopher Hiller

Not sure what version you're using but I wouldn't recommend trying to use anything newer than on the demo site right now. Recently transferred ownership of this project and I...

@TuiKiken Thanks. Yes, I'm in the middle of converting this repository and doing some necessary updates to get everything in working order again.

@TuiKiken until then you can point bower at the repository directly

Yeah, haven't upgraded codebase yet. PR welcome! On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 11:52 PM, Nacho [email protected] wrote: > Seems to be an incompatibility issue with angular versions greater than...

@ravinggenius What is the model of `document.tags`? Originally we had behavior that would ensure you got a string back if you passed it a string, but this was failing if...

Ok, right. @ravinggenius how would you like it to work? Maybe specifying a `modalFormat` attribute that is one of: - `auto` automatically attempt to determine model format. defaults to an...

Will check this out. @ravinggenius Can you assert that the typeahead directive itself works with your templateURL?

I think you want blog.js and blogSpec.js blogSpec.js is in chapter-05 and blog.js is scattered about in different states, the most complete in chapter-10. Where are you seeing a reference...

Thanks, we'll get this fixed. What you are looking for though is blog.js and blogSpec.js, not book.js and bookSpec.js. On May 24, 2013, at 11:00 AM, bparanj [email protected] wrote: >...

Kindle version? Epub? What reader you using? On May 23, 2013, at 2:31 PM, bparanj [email protected] wrote: > The images are partially visible. Can we get list of images used...