Christopher Hiller

Results 432 comments of Christopher Hiller

I’ll consult with some other members of my team, but really we want the bower package to provide everything you need to get the plugin working. I could conceivably provide...

Yeah, I agree we’d like to drop any CSS requirement. Will be talking with one of our CSS dudes about this “soon”. Thanks for the input! On Nov 11, 2013,...

I can do that (looks like designer won't have the time), so I'll put it on my to-do list, but feel free to gut it and submit a PR in...

typeahead options [should pass directly through]( ?

@kliolios I'm probably going to remove it as a requirement, though; the only requirements should be `angular: '*'` and `angular-bootstrap: '*'`. I can provide directions to set up the CSS...

@kliolios OK, I'll probably go ahead and do that.

Yes, I believe this is some sort of problem related to #16. Once I confirm we can close this.

I hope to have this corrected in 1.0.0, but I'm still trying to get [grunt-bowerspawn]( working properly.

@dedan Will check this out, thanks.