Haegu Lee

Results 6 issues of Haegu Lee

As a beginner, i been reading code for rrbot and diffbot together. One thing that made me little confusing was variable's name. variable for state of position only rrbot is...

#678 Similar error but i got it from building openrave Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target testparabolicramp [ 80%] Built target qtcoinrave [ 86%] Built target ikfastsolvers Consolidate compiler generated...

Problem in Issue #10 was caused by missing getRobotModel() function. moveit_state_adapter asks robot_model as argument but code only gives planning_scene_monitor_ adding getRobotModel solves problem mentioned in issue #10.

- hydra-core version requirement had a typo/or missing =

I've been trying to use rolling + moveit2 + gazebo fortress for simulation. And since i am using moveit2, i tried to use moveit_resources URDF files rather frank_ros2 URDF files....

Hello, i'm trying to run ros_sever with SRS. ros_sever, ros_libs folder are in this directory "C:\Users\MHM\Documents\Staubli\SRS\ros_test2\Controller1\usr\usrapp" which is a cell dicrectory. I opened ros_sever application and used emulator to run...
