Benny Neugebauer

Results 102 comments of Benny Neugebauer

Added them to for upvote and downvote :dancer:

I added `pull_request_target` to my [auto merge config]( and it works in most of the cases. Like here: But when Dependabot needs to rebase a branch, then it doesn't...

I tried `synchronize` in another project of mine: ``` on: pull_request_target: pull_request: types: [synchronize] ``` But it looks like it runs in a different context with limited permissions because I...

@Stuk I've seen in your code that you are skipping comments of type "Shebang": But in your `commentParser.js` there is no return with that type. Only "line" and "block"...

When using the `fix` option, the plugin also adds my header template multiple times in this case: ![image](

@kamilmysliwiec Great initiative to showcase companies that use NestJS in production. Would be nice to highlight the ones that have their code open source, so that people can get inspired...

> maybe you find some gems in the dependents network tab Good idea. In addition to GitHub's dependency graph, there is also a list of [npm packages depending on @nestjs/core](

In my app I created the file `src/@types/index.d.ts` with the following content to have a workaround (thanks to @maximeg): ```ts // Fixes TS2694 declare global { namespace React { /**...

Is it difficult to extend the [--ignore-path]( so it can accept a comma-separated list of files?