Benny Neugebauer

Results 102 comments of Benny Neugebauer

Closing this because of inactivity. πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ @hjoelr just tell me if you plan to get back to it and I will take the time to support you. πŸ’ͺ

I got the same issue on Windows 10 with: - karma v1.7.1 - karma-chrome-launcher v2.2.0 Screenshot: ![unbenannt]( Relevant Karma Browser config: ```javascript browsers: ['ChromeNoSandbox'], customLaunchers: { ChromeNoSandbox: { base: 'ChromeHeadless',...

I got the same warning: > warning "[email protected]" is missing a bundled dependency "node-pre-gyp". This should be reported to the package maintainer. Problem showed up just by adding "wrtc" to...

@MMcKester, I wrote an article on how to [setup TypeScript code coverage for Electron applications]( Hope it helps you! πŸ€

@bubkoo can you help me getting your plugin to run on my website

After some coding I found the problem... The slug generation is different. Hexo internally uses "slugize" from "hexo-util". I created a PR to allow this option:

@foolyb: This fork supports colors: -

It looks like `npm exec` is only available with Node.js 15+. With Node.js 14 you have to rely on `npx`.