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[Discussion] Who is using Nest in production?

Open kamilmysliwiec opened this issue 5 years ago β€’ 351 comments



kamilmysliwiec avatar Aug 26 '18 12:08 kamilmysliwiec

Valor Software, ofc :)

valorkin avatar Aug 26 '18 12:08 valorkin This was my comment: :)

BorntraegerMarc avatar Aug 26 '18 12:08 BorntraegerMarc

We’re using NestJs for two of our products right now. Boss’s loving it.

Ps: Our company is also giving a talk about NestJs at a local Angular Meetup:

and also at a local Developer Conference called devUp:

Thanks Kamil for the awesome framework! <3

nartc avatar Aug 26 '18 22:08 nartc

We use it as our backend to retrieve GitHub metadata and contents from our CMS.

Love its simplicity and TS 😍

RecuencoJones avatar Aug 27 '18 10:08 RecuencoJones

@kamilmysliwiec As you know we use Nest in Gorrion Software House for some time now. Unfortunatelly we can't tell you the name of the project yet, but right now we are starting one that is kind of biggish (aprox. 800 mandays of work). This is the first one we've started with Nest 5 from scratch and its great :heart:

lukasz-wronski avatar Aug 27 '18 11:08 lukasz-wronski

We use and love Nest at Yumpingo!

kikar avatar Aug 29 '18 13:08 kikar

Day & Zimmermann for an internal management application via my freelance company: Also, I Code

Nest + MongoDB with an Angular UI.

alsoicode avatar Aug 29 '18 13:08 alsoicode

Baltic Data Science for one of the world's biggest blockchain use case projects. @kamilmysliwiec kudos for the great work and the effort that You put in Nest.js πŸ‘

rafhofman avatar Aug 29 '18 15:08 rafhofman

At, we've been using NestJS with @kamilmysliwiec 's support since day 1 of the project. NestJS is incredibly easy to work with and highly scalable. @kamilmysliwiec is a wonderful human with a lot of love for OSS, without him, our backend development at ProHabits would not have been easier.

therajumandapati avatar Aug 29 '18 15:08 therajumandapati

Thank you all for your answers so far! Besides, I'm getting a lot of DM with companies names. However, I can't share their names (yet?). Anyway, I'm really happy that Nest helped you to achieve your goals πŸ₯‡!

kamilmysliwiec avatar Aug 29 '18 17:08 kamilmysliwiec

We're using Nest at with an Angular front-end. Love having a common language on the client-side and server-side.

gregmagolan avatar Aug 29 '18 17:08 gregmagolan

Seconded @gregmagolan above. Lead dev here for Trellis. Really enjoying Nest so far, learn more about it everyday.

yharaskrik avatar Aug 29 '18 17:08 yharaskrik

I'm using Nest in project with Ionic front end. Thank you @kamilmysliwiec for hours of great time with NestJs. It is the best framework for node I've ever tried!

ondrej-osnet-cz avatar Aug 30 '18 21:08 ondrej-osnet-cz

Currently using it for our AppWriter dictionary server at Wizkids Been mentioning several times we should migrate completely to Nest, but well, that time will come πŸ’ƒ

marcus-sa avatar Aug 30 '18 21:08 marcus-sa

We are using NestJS on our main product at Kerberus, in our Callcenter & PBX dashboard. Was tough to convince our team to migrate but they saw the advantages for code maintenance and clean architecture.

mariolenis avatar Aug 31 '18 02:08 mariolenis

We are a start-up company from China and are currently using nest.js, we are working on a micro-service framework.

This is the GitHub address and I would like to have more people involved.

zuohuadong avatar Aug 31 '18 06:08 zuohuadong

We are a serious gaming company from the Netherlands called Hulan. We started developing in NestJS around 6 months ago and are loving it! We've started 4 new projects using the framework and published 2 of them to production.

MartinDrost avatar Aug 31 '18 09:08 MartinDrost

Hi, We have been using Nestjs for production since it released ) JSDaddy, Ukraine, Kharkiv )

LimarenkoDenis avatar Aug 31 '18 11:08 LimarenkoDenis

@kamilmysliwiec - think it may be useful to point people to update on ? The "awesome" style repos are a bit of an entry path to finding libs/usage, and notadd definitely belongs there @zuohuadong :)

ryanswart avatar Aug 31 '18 12:08 ryanswart

HI! We're using it at GenuineBee for some of our client's and also internal projects. I'm actually putting together some case studies where I'm mentioning the tech-stack and Nest is mentioned... once published I'll send you the link in case you're interested ;) Keep it up!!

frenetix avatar Aug 31 '18 14:08 frenetix

We are using Nest.js 5.x for a few micro services at REWE Digital they assist in powering our platform.

krystianity avatar Aug 31 '18 15:08 krystianity

Societe Generale (and especially the Investment Banking) is using NestJs for several internal services.

linsolas avatar Sep 03 '18 08:09 linsolas

It would also be interesting to know a little bit about HOW it is being used. I’m thinking of using it for a traditional web application with server side rendering (templates, static content serving, etc) and I’m under the impression most people use it for APIs.

edevil avatar Sep 03 '18 09:09 edevil

It would also be interesting to know a little bit about HOW it is being used.

In our case, it's mainly used as an API server indeed. We generally split our front-ends (VueJS / Angular / React) and our back-end. Historically our back-ends were made only using Java / .Net / Python, but since we moved massively TypeScript for front-end developments, we decided to start using Nest last year. I think the usage of NestJS will grow in the next months within our organization, and maybe its usage will not be limited to API server (for ex. for server-side rendering).

linsolas avatar Sep 03 '18 13:09 linsolas

Running Nest at my company w/ Firestore Cloud Functions. Works really well for our use cases and I've definitely become an evangelist. You folks have an awesome product.

alexplumb avatar Sep 04 '18 15:09 alexplumb

We at Agrofel are using it as the back-end for our Ionic apps; we're amazed how it was possible to develop everything, from top to bottom using Angular concepts.

Thanks and keep up with the excellent work!

kernelsafe avatar Sep 04 '18 17:09 kernelsafe

I'm currently fighting tones of PHP services (and their developers) with my nestjs services which I'm using for a facebook chatbot to answer questions and a email service which emails customers an email once an order is purchased. All running on kubernetes!


I also play with nest a lot in my spare time and use it to learn a lot more about typescript!

bashleigh avatar Sep 06 '18 09:09 bashleigh

We at Pilvia are has started using Nest.js with Cloud Functions for Firebase. Really loving it!! :)

ps. planning to create Custom Microservice Transporter for Firebase Realtime Database to have global, zero config transport channel. Any documents available where to start? Thanks!

saminiemi avatar Sep 07 '18 08:09 saminiemi

We have used nest.js for quiet a while, and it really help us a lot.

Our company website: We've developed TikTok, TopBuzz worldwide

zhangbobell avatar Sep 20 '18 04:09 zhangbobell

Even we used ⚑NestJS⚑ as backend framework in our product

imakshath avatar Sep 20 '18 09:09 imakshath

vadrianeguez avatar Sep 21 '18 03:09 vadrianeguez

I develop some generators and classes to extend nest functionality, now in 10 minutes We have Resolvers, Gateways and Controllers Up and Running with security enhanced :) I love your work thank you

vadrianeguez avatar Sep 21 '18 03:09 vadrianeguez

we are using NestJS for (company based in Berlin, Germany)

rokerkony avatar Sep 24 '18 19:09 rokerkony

We are running several projects powered by Nest.js:heart: in SmartexLab

BMalaichik avatar Sep 24 '18 20:09 BMalaichik

We are using NestJS at Kiddle

HorusGoul avatar Sep 30 '18 15:09 HorusGoul

We are using NestJS in Enterprise internal system

sail-sail avatar Oct 08 '18 05:10 sail-sail

Show...we adopt it for projects at

ozeas avatar Oct 08 '18 12:10 ozeas

@saminiemi how did you get main.ts dpeloyed successfully in cloud functions? I have the following

const server = express();

async function bootstrap(): Promise<INestApplication> {
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule, server);
  return app.init();


const api = functions.https.onRequest(server);

export { api };

However, I keep getting a 500 and "Error: could not handle the request" on all requests

jkossis avatar Oct 11 '18 16:10 jkossis

@jkossis Here is how we handle it. TypeScript but basics are same:

import * as express from 'express';
const expressInstance = express();

NestFactory.create(AppModule, expressInstance)
.then(app => {
  return app.init();
}).catch( err => console.error)

export const Api = functions.https.onRequest(expressInstance);

saminiemi avatar Oct 11 '18 17:10 saminiemi

@saminiemi and I assume you are using node 8, rather than node 6 within Cloud Functions? I believe NestJs requires 8+

jkossis avatar Oct 11 '18 17:10 jkossis

@jkossis Yes, node.js 8 runtime, and working it is flawless πŸ‘

Just add this to package.json:

"engines": {
  "node": "8"

saminiemi avatar Oct 11 '18 18:10 saminiemi

Speaking of cloud functions, has anyone figured out a way to get Firebase/Firestore Database Triggers working with Nest? I've resorted to having my triggers make HTTP calls to Nest via node-fetch.

alexplumb avatar Oct 11 '18 20:10 alexplumb

Sorry to interrupt you, but this discussion is not related to the issue. Please move it to another issue, thanks! :)

BrunnerLivio avatar Oct 11 '18 20:10 BrunnerLivio

Car sale company Automama for Microservices: ❀️ NestJS

AlariCode avatar Oct 18 '18 10:10 AlariCode

@kamilmysliwiec -> We've started using nest for couple of new microservices, team is adopting the framework so now we are also migrating few older services to nestjs :).

ghost avatar Oct 19 '18 06:10 ghost

We're using Nest with Vue @kamilmysliwiec great job, thanks a million

rumbaa01 avatar Oct 24 '18 11:10 rumbaa01

We use NestJS at Roche Diagnostics International AG in Rotkreuz (CH), for two internal applications.

One of these applications is even open source:


cc @lukasweber @erickeller

BrunnerLivio avatar Nov 23 '18 09:11 BrunnerLivio

We are using NestJS for backend API, WS server and CLI scripts for our GitHub app LeanBoard, a collaborative whiteboard with sticky notes for GitHub issues. screenshot 2018-12-11 22 56 58

cc @br0wn

dnlhtz avatar Dec 11 '18 22:12 dnlhtz

Use it for my Test Storage - test case management system, also use it at my full time work for gRPC microservices.

pumano avatar Dec 27 '18 10:12 pumano

we are using nestjs with nest graphql at for all our backed prepay system, Nairobi, Kenya , Africa

nelsonBlack avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 nelsonBlack

Using nest for our GRPC based microservices.

adematte avatar Jan 03 '19 14:01 adematte

Using Nest at EasyMetrics for gRPC microservices. 40+ services running in hundreds of containers every day :)

joshwiens avatar Jan 07 '19 00:01 joshwiens

We use it for serving a static website, Angular app and API server for our invoicing SaaS:

bostjanpisler avatar Jan 09 '19 06:01 bostjanpisler

We ( are using it for almost all the backends we need to develop for our clients. Sadly can't share the specific projects without consent, but you can use our logo :)

RDeluxe avatar Jan 09 '19 11:01 RDeluxe

We ( are using Nest for our products, our client and we love it. Now we plan to become a real Sponsor for your product in France. Talking about that by mail ;)

materazu avatar Jan 13 '19 22:01 materazu

I just started to use nest in my new payment company. Last week i tried sails.js and didn't like it. After reading the documentation, the source code and some examples i'm kind of in love with Nest. It's modern, solid and testable. If our project succeed i will for sure sponsor. Keep up the great work and constantly improving the documentation with real world examples, not just simple stuff.

ricardovf avatar Jan 14 '19 16:01 ricardovf

We are using it at in pair with Angular and Ionic, and it is great. Mostly building App/PWA backends with it for various clients, some pretty big. Stumbled upon it around the end of December, 2017.

danielhalodev avatar Jan 15 '19 16:01 danielhalodev

We are using Nest for microservices and graphql applications

Codengage πŸš€

elsangedy avatar Jan 16 '19 04:01 elsangedy

We use Nest to build TitleX, a conveyancing management system.

giangnn avatar Jan 16 '19 09:01 giangnn

We use it along with serverless achitecture here at in Brazil

galesky avatar Jan 16 '19 13:01 galesky

I'm developing a blog management system based on angular7+nest. And it's open source, but not finished now.I'm gonna put the link here when the project is done. It is expected to be six months later.

Eve-Sama avatar Jan 30 '19 03:01 Eve-Sama

Awesome ! @Eve-1995 Are you Chinese ?

turkyden avatar Jan 30 '19 04:01 turkyden

@Turkyden Obviously.

Eve-Sama avatar Jan 30 '19 04:01 Eve-Sama

We are using Nest for the backend of our Open-Source On-Demand Commerce Platform ( and we really LOVE it! Thank you for the great framework!

As of today using mostly for GraphQL & REST APIs, but we also experiment with CQRS, micro-services, etc.

We only recently started open-sourcing parts of the project ... (it's WIP) So, every :star: on our Github repo is highly appreciated!

Thank you!!!


❀️ ❀️ ❀️

evereq avatar Jan 31 '19 03:01 evereq

Happily using it at Mobile Jazz, in concert with Angular and Ionic. Loving it so far!

Thanks for the great work done!

pablosproject avatar Feb 09 '19 16:02 pablosproject

Just got launched which is built with Angular and Nest

kuncevic avatar Feb 11 '19 05:02 kuncevic

We are making our version 2 of API of using Nest. Best choice ever made :heart:

rhogeranacleto avatar Feb 13 '19 15:02 rhogeranacleto

We are using NestJS for a mobile game: NestJs, Ionic, Elasticsearch, Passport-strava

RP-League is a mobile game of adventure and Running. Open to everyone. Beginner or confirmed. Just run to participate. Anywhere anytime. Follow the adventure and progress in the League to reach your best level. Your sporting activity will be recognized and valued. With run, fun and strategy, become Run Player One. (RP1).

valimero avatar Feb 15 '19 16:02 valimero

Hi! We are using NestJS to powerup the backend of the Entrepot app. Home page is currently in French, translation in progress, but the app itself is in English.

Entrepot helps people archiving and finding their documents (especially contracts, invoices, tickets,...) fastly and easily.

fvilers avatar Feb 17 '19 09:02 fvilers

We are using NestJs for all of our services. (We from korea. hehe)

webhacking avatar Feb 18 '19 05:02 webhacking

@asantarissy I am unsure if its intentional or not, but every time i go to your site, it takes me to several different adware/malware infected pages everything from prompting me to download updates to chrome to download optimizer. @kamilmysliwiec if possible can we hide that particular thread until @asantarissy can resolve whatever is causing this to happen?

Destreyf avatar Feb 27 '19 18:02 Destreyf

@asantarissy I am unsure if its intentional or not, but every time i go to your site, it takes me to several different adware/malware infected pages everything from prompting me to download updates to chrome to download optimizer. @kamilmysliwiec if possible can we hide that particular thread until @asantarissy can resolve whatever is causing this to happen?

Thank you @Destreyf, it seems that there is something wrong, I removed the link from my comment until it's solved.

Thanks again.

asantarissy avatar Feb 27 '19 18:02 asantarissy

We are currently using Nest in the new Industrial Service Request internal portal and for other internal developments.

sjimenez77 avatar Mar 20 '19 16:03 sjimenez77

We are using nest in production for mobile API in :)

marcomelilli avatar Mar 28 '19 09:03 marcomelilli

We are using nest in production

anymaniax avatar Mar 28 '19 18:03 anymaniax

We're using Nest in production for our server-side VueJS component renderer microservice at πŸ₯°

nienkedekker avatar Apr 10 '19 11:04 nienkedekker

We use Nest.js for some time for each and every of our products 8)


We are proud of using it and would love to be listed, here is the logo: logo_IT_focus

Ami777 avatar Apr 12 '19 14:04 Ami777

We used Nestjs on some FΓ‘brica de Aplicativos microservices, including running via AWS Lambda.

jeanpfs avatar Apr 14 '19 00:04 jeanpfs

We are also using Nest for building the back-end for some of our web apps. This tool is awesome! logo-top Thanks for this masterpiece!

cosmicwebsrl avatar Apr 18 '19 10:04 cosmicwebsrl

We (SitePen, ) use Nest.js in production as the back-end for various customer enterprise applications with modern Dojo ( ) on the front-end.

dylans avatar Apr 21 '19 13:04 dylans

We are converting our NodeJS applications to NestJs and writing our new apps on NestJs(

nurgasemetey avatar Apr 26 '19 11:04 nurgasemetey

CountZero1981 avatar May 01 '19 19:05 CountZero1981

from china company, building

ghost avatar May 02 '19 17:05 ghost

We use nestjs to power a few of our microservices at

stevenolay avatar May 18 '19 19:05 stevenolay

We at Soramitsu use NestJS

Warchant avatar Jun 06 '19 17:06 Warchant

We running Nest.js, an we are super happy: I am looking forward to Nest.js's great future!

hellokvn avatar Jun 07 '19 05:06 hellokvn

In my personal blog:

SneakBug8 avatar Jun 29 '19 18:06 SneakBug8

@kamilmysliwiec Great initiative to showcase companies that use NestJS in production. Would be nice to highlight the ones that have their code open source, so that people can get inspired by production grade code to get ideas on how to structure their own NestJS applications.

bennycode avatar Jul 09 '19 16:07 bennycode

@bennyn great idea!

At this point in time, you can check awesome-nestjs#projects-using-nestjs or maybe you find some gems in the dependents network tab.

BrunnerLivio avatar Jul 09 '19 22:07 BrunnerLivio

maybe you find some gems in the dependents network tab

Good idea. In addition to GitHub's dependency graph, there is also a list of npm packages depending on @nestjs/core which is another source for projects using NestJS. Unfortunately this list is unfiltered and cannot be sorted. 😢

bennycode avatar Jul 10 '19 10:07 bennycode

We are launching our first Nest.JS GraphQL powered product in 2 days at, it rocks! :)

WNemencha avatar Jul 17 '19 08:07 WNemencha

Chip! will be launching their first nestjs micro service soon!

bashleigh avatar Jul 20 '19 10:07 bashleigh -- it's coming soon (over 30 micro-services base on NestJS)

0x01001011 avatar Jul 23 '19 07:07 0x01001011 - We started to use it a few months ago, the whole development team has now taken a liking to it and new nodejs microservices are NestJS. Thanks for the such an awesome framework @kamilmysliwiec!

jorgeborges avatar Jul 25 '19 09:07 jorgeborges

Chip is no longer using nestjs πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ someone hire me!!!

bashleigh avatar Jul 25 '19 09:07 bashleigh

@bashleigh why did they stop using it?

scriptsure avatar Jul 30 '19 03:07 scriptsure

@scriptsure because they want to sack me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ only been here 3 weeks. They want to hire more developers so if you get a job offer. Run...

bashleigh avatar Jul 30 '19 06:07 bashleigh We started using it recently

rubiin avatar Aug 19 '19 11:08 rubiin

We use Nest at and ❀it!

remotealex avatar Aug 28 '19 10:08 remotealex

American Family Insurance is using NestJS and about to deploy it to production :)

SmellzLikeYeti avatar Sep 04 '19 14:09 SmellzLikeYeti