Baldur Karlsson

Results 127 comments of Baldur Karlsson

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The difficulty with displays like that is that for it to be useful, you need to know exactly the UVs being used to sample the texture. To begin with, there's...

Yes, shader debugging and pixel history are both only supported on D3D11 currently. This should be made more obvious in the UI though when you're using a different API. Would...

That makes no sense, DirectX doesn't use SPIR-V. Shader debugging for OpenGL may happen at some point now since SPIR-V debugging has been implemented for vulkan, but certainly not in...

FYI since this feature falls under the purvue of profiling (since it relies on accurate/reliable timestamps at least) it's not going to happen any time soon.

Vulkan captures are generally not portable between even different hardware on the same platform. Things like memory type index selection and allocation offset/requirements are baked into the capture, so it...

The physical device params are stored, but that doesn't always mean the capture is incompatible. E.g. nv's drivers seem to be largely compatible up and down several GPU families. Latest...

I don't know what you mean by 'buffer states', but you can export the capture to XML on any machine even if you can't replay, though it's not the most...

There's an easy mode and a hard mode for this. Easy mode is just adding direct rendering of the buffer - the core code already is completely abstracted, it just...

Yeh, RenderDoc will trim to only those inputs that are actually used. This could be solved a number of ways if you're willing to add markup code, the debug object...