Baldur Karlsson

Results 127 comments of Baldur Karlsson

I don't think I've misunderstood, I see the problem you're running into but I'm saying that it's caused by the application behaving in an invalid way. The spec says that...

I think trying to make some system that lets you combine an arbitrary set of overlays together would be kind of clumsy to use compared to a simple drop-down, and...

I sort of get what you mean but I'm still not entirely convinced on the suggested solution. I can add a "pixels shaded" overlay as I described, but more complex...

I don't have any precise timeline for future features. This one is not the highest priority so it may be a long time before I implement it. I'm not too...

It depends what you mean. RenderDoc has its own shadow state at all points when reading new API calls, so technically it has the raw data it needs, but writing...

It's not necessarily difficult, but it's a lot of work and of little value for debugging. There are many more important features to work on so I don't know when...

As you quoted, I said specifically that it has little value for **debugging**. RenderDoc is a debugger and not a profiler, so performance analysis features are not a goal of...

Yes this has been on the [roadmap]( for a long long time. There's a few things to do first though since this requires a few changes in how textures are...

Phew, that's a pretty beefy feature! Like you say though, it would be useful in a number of situations. There are a number of difficulties involved in implementing this which...

If vkCreateInstance is returning VK_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT then that's not within RenderDoc's control, that is something else on your system causing that error. Check that you are running the latest drivers for...