Antonio Vivace

Results 183 comments of Antonio Vivace

Font sizes are hardcoded, but I could add a global multiplier factor or expose each size in the configuration file. Which way makes more sense for you?

Nice find @fr1ll ! That's very useful and worth mentioning in the readme of this repo as it could potentially cover most use cases of this theme (and it's less...

I can't seem to reproduce. What's your setup? (Plasma/Qt versions)

Working on it. Will tag the release as 0.2 - 5.13 as soon as I've tested it

Did you try to play with KDE services? It's probably one of them "picking" up the notifications/tray icons.. - systemsettings -> Startup and Shutdown -> Service Manager -> uncheck "Status...

Right click -> More option -> Remove panel?

Thanks @DuongTyler , didn't know about acpid. This is useful also for optimising the script printing some informations on the status bar via AwesomeWidgets (currently it's constatly polling data, triggering...

> it is no fun story of hidpi Anyway - the default scaling feature of Plasma is not handled by KWin so you're safe in replacing it with i3, nothing...

Thank you! Glad you are enjoying this! I think you can rebind what ` $mod+Shift+e` does. So ``` bindsym $mod+Shift+e exit ``` will exit i3. With `;` you can execute...

Thank you for the contribution, @popcorn9499! This isn't resolved because AFAIK the X Session must be stopped by whom started it (e.g. the login manager) so a general solution is...