Antonio Vivace

Results 239 issues of Antonio Vivace

Re-packaging the patched theme in a proper deb package would allow updates / easier version tracking and could be added to a repository.


While the select item label is okay, opening the session context menu gives the entries with the default ugly font.

Every link in the challenge description or in the solution tab should have the `target=_blank` attribute (web version= new tab, android= open browser).


On [twitter](, this was reported: [...] When I click into a challenge and then rotate the screen it kicks me back to the list view. [...]


End of the page -> render spinner animation -> load more (inject?)


As reported by @dcasella, some package (probably i3wm or polybar) includes `/home/avivace/polybar/libs` configuration files


`feh` must be re-run every time another xrandr output is enabled. Find a way to do this automatically?

Notifications toasts are rendered at the center of the page. Tell i3 to position that in a corner and document that.

Prepare scripts to produce also a debian package