Antonio Vivace

Results 183 comments of Antonio Vivace

Looks like a mature project to me, I think it fits the list. (We don't have particular rules against commercial / non-open source software, but in practise only the BGB...

I think that a separate repo containing the files for the build would be better, so I won't fill the commit history with tests and debian rules files. Ideally, I...

> There's been no significant updates from this, but the overall reactions I got from the Debian people I interacted with was "if you're not using Debian, you shouldn't propose...

Nice, having them tested in the CI allows those entries to stay consistent and relevant. Thank you

Maybe it's related to ?

> About two years go, I spoke to Bit 9 who reverse engineered schematic and board layouts for the DMG mainboard, and he said it would be ok to share...

> I got a response from Bit 9 and he pointed out that the files came with a license (in the DESCRIPTION files). Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 (or later) International...

I'd honestly like to have some of the information from @AntonioND 's but I'm not sure all of that fits Pan Docs

> What's the status on this? WIP in the wiki