Antonio Vivace

Results 183 comments of Antonio Vivace

> What needs to be done? The list in this repository is *based* on the in the awesome-gbdev, but a lot of custom elements are added, such as the...

> The Markdown could be parsed into a list of lists (categories of entries), and that processed somehow. Replacements like "insert this between category X and Y", "process entry E...

> I'd suggest trying to go at it anyway, and seeing what hurdles come up. It may be possible to simply ignore these elements, pass them through without any processing,...

How about a section at the bottom (just before References) like this: - Similar Devices - Mega Duck - Analogue Pocket - (?) Clones About clones, do we have some,...

> Something about "GB Boy Colour" and "MiSTer"? Those should be in clones, right?

> I swear I have seen a comment somewhere about using a Rust plotter instead to cut on the dependencies, suggesting [plotters-rs/plotters](, but I can't find it anymore. I think...

This PR is not about removing Python as a dependency nor about choosing a Rust alternative for matplotlib. I invite everyone partecipating in this thread to check the actual scope...

I'm on this, thanks @glinesbdev !

Done in (PR