Alister Maguire

Results 95 issues of Alister Maguire

We have some logic for setting HDB_HDF5 to DB_HDF5_SILO for BG/P systems. That should really be the case for any BG system so that when compiled on a BG system...

The tests have the ability to manipulate the HDF5 driver in many details using some special code there to convert a command line argument string to a Driver id specification....

When we write out all of our meshes and variables, we pass around a DBOptlist that has the dtime option set to the simulation time. When we have only 1...

We have a bunch of py examples in src/visitpy/examples. But, they are not routinely tested and so easily fall out of date. I discovered was not working due to...

From Rob Neely: Cyrus, Looks like the only function that honors DBOPT_CYCLE is DBPutUcdmesh(). None of the multi mesh/var/mat objects use it, nor does put material, put zone list, etc...

Presently, the can_apply method for the hzip filter is always saying 'yes' and the real logic to determine if there is a problem is handled either in the actual filter...

There are a few global data members in Silo that cause information to be remembered from one object to the next. This is just a bad idea and show be...

When silo returns character strings, there is often an upper bound on the length. This is certainly true of PDB driver though maybe not as much in HDF5 driver. In...

In DBPutZonelist and DBPutZonelist2, there is an ndims argument. In DBPutPHZonelist, there is no such argument but maybe there should be or should have been. At any rate, this argument...

DBAnnotateUcdmesh adds a shapetype array to a zonelist after reading in a ucdmesh in DBGetUcdmesh.The problem is that it keys off of ndims member to determine dimensionality of the entities...