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better handling of 'dtime'
When we write out all of our meshes and variables, we pass around a DBOptlist that has the dtime option set to the simulation time. When we have only 1 mesh, we write the mesh to the root silo directory (and everything works fine). When we have more than one mesh, we do not write anything to the root dir, instead we make directories: /region0/, /region1/ and write the meshes there. In this case, visit does not get the correct simulation time. As a work around, I wrote a variable named "dtime" in the root silo directory. Now visit gets the correct simulation time. It doesn't seem like I should have to do this work around, it seems like visit should know the simulation time. This may be complicated by the fact that in one of our sub-directories, we have the variable MESHTV_SEARCHPATH set to an empty string "", to stop visit from searching below that directory. The combination of this stuff seems to confuse visit. Can you please fix this?
-----------------------REDMINE MIGRATION----------------------- This ticket was migrated from Redmine. As such, not all information was able to be captured in the transition. Below is a complete record of the original redmine ticket.
Ticket number: 1382 Status: New Project: VisIt Tracker: Bug Priority: Normal Subject: better handling of 'dtime' Assigned to: - Category: - Target version: - Author: Mark Miller Start: 03/15/2013 Due date: % Done: 0% Estimated time: Created: 03/15/2013 03:29 pm Updated: 12/09/2013 01:44 pm Likelihood: 3 - Occasional Severity: 2 - Minor Irritation Found in version: 4.8 Impact: Expected Use: OS: All Support Group: Any Description: When we write out all of our meshes and variables, we pass around a DBOptlist that has the dtime option set to the simulation time. When we have only 1 mesh, we write the mesh to the root silo directory (and everything works fine). When we have more than one mesh, we do not write anything to the root dir, instead we make directories: /region0/, /region1/ and write the meshes there. In this case, visit does not get the correct simulation time. As a work around, I wrote a variable named "dtime" in the root silo directory. Now visit gets the correct simulation time. It doesn't seem like I should have to do this work around, it seems like visit should know the simulation time. This may be complicated by the fact that in one of our sub-directories, we have the variable MESHTV_SEARCHPATH set to an empty string "", to stop visit from searching below that directory. The combination of this stuff seems to confuse visit. Can you please fix this?