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add example py files to test suite
We have a bunch of py examples in src/visitpy/examples. But, they are not routinely tested and so easily fall out of date. I discovered was not working due to a change in paths in silo files in the data dir. Why don't we just make these examples tests? That way, we'll know if we do something to break 'em and we can ensure they are up to date (and therefore valid) examples for people to use.
-----------------------REDMINE MIGRATION----------------------- This ticket was migrated from Redmine. As such, not all information was able to be captured in the transition. Below is a complete record of the original redmine ticket.
Ticket number: 1295 Status: Pending Project: VisIt Tracker: Feature Priority: Normal Subject: add example py files to test suite Assigned to: - Category: - Target version: - Author: Mark Miller Start: 01/08/2013 Due date: % Done: 0% Estimated time: Created: 01/08/2013 03:36 pm Updated: 01/15/2013 12:07 pm Likelihood: Severity: Found in version: 2.12.3 Impact: 3 - Medium Expected Use: 3 - Occasional OS: All Support Group: Any Description: We have a bunch of py examples in src/visitpy/examples. But, they are not routinely tested and so easily fall out of date. I discovered was not working due to a change in paths in silo files in the data dir. Why don't we just make these examples tests? That way, we'll know if we do something to break 'em and we can ensure they are up to date (and therefore valid) examples for people to use.
Comments: The tests should just check that the scripts run successfully since adding image or text tests would involve adding test harness code, which we don't want to do.