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Silo Cycle info can't be attached to a ucd multi mesh
From Rob Neely: Cyrus, Looks like the only function that honors DBOPT_CYCLE is DBPutUcdmesh(). None of the multi mesh/var/mat objects use it, nor does put material, put zone list, etc Interestingly, DBOPT_DTIME seems to be honored by the putmultimesh. Rob
-----------------------REDMINE MIGRATION----------------------- This ticket was migrated from Redmine. As such, not all information was able to be captured in the transition. Below is a complete record of the original redmine ticket.
Ticket number: 1289 Status: Pending Project: VisIt Tracker: Bug Priority: Normal Subject: Silo Cycle info can't be attached to a ucd multi mesh Assigned to: Mark Miller Category: - Target version: 4.9.2 Author: Cyrus Harrison Start: 01/03/2013 Due date: % Done: 0% Estimated time: Created: 01/03/2013 05:57 pm Updated: 08/19/2013 07:23 pm Likelihood: 3 - Occasional Severity: 2 - Minor Irritation Found in version: 4.8 Impact: Expected Use: OS: All Support Group: Any Description: From Rob Neely: Cyrus, Looks like the only function that honors DBOPT_CYCLE is DBPutUcdmesh(). None of the multi mesh/var/mat objects use it, nor does put material, put zone list, etc Interestingly, DBOPT_DTIME seems to be honored by the putmultimesh. Rob