Allan Laal

Results 124 comments of Allan Laal


copying `ff2mpv.json` to `~/snap/firefox/common/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/ff2mpv.json` did not help

> Could you please fill out the entire bug report template? It provides the context I need to help debug this. i'll get to it ASAP

> `snap` is still not the recommended way to install Firefox on Linux distributions, I'm on Ubuntu 22.04, so I am a voice from the future =) ![deb vs...

@woodruffw is ff2mpv impossible with snap? Firefox-ESR is still a proper deb package on 22.04, but its only a matter of time till ff2mpv becomes totally useless in Ubuntu ≥20.10...

tested with Firefox 100 from snap: does not work works fine with straight .deb distributions though. firefox-next ppa doesn't use snap :+1:

> (Also, note that the extension currently binds `Ctrl + Shift + V` to the "play in MPV" action. Does that work for you in terms of convenience?) I only...

> Thanks for the request. Could you describe how we'd implement this in the extension? Does it involve injecting detecting whether the page is YouTube and then injecting (more) JS...

upstream: but detecting "week" and its formats is a heavily localized thing

upstream said no, so this has to be completed here